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Income inequality in Brazil Source: Personal elaboration from IBGE data on Brazilian census, 2013
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Universal access to the commons, such as to clean water, might be seen as a strong challenge to development as freedom. Beyond water scarcity, several regions are already suffering from lack of access, even where water is abundant. Meanwhile, climate change, overpopulation and agricultural demand are severely affecting the quality and availability...
In this work, we investigated the molecular stable isotope compositions of hydrate-bound and dissolved gases in sediments of the Amazon deep-sea fan and adjacent continental slope, Foz do Amazonas Basin, Brazil. Some cores were obtained in places with active gas venting on the seafloor and, in one of the locations, the venting gas is probably assoc...
... The conservation of water, soil, energy, forests, biodiversity, minerals, marine and costal resources has to be monitored constantly (Hussain et al., 2020;Panjaitan et al., 2020;Sugiharti et al., 2020). The preservation of clean drinking water and fresh air are essential for the population to be able to live a healthy life (Yeganeh Kia, 2020;Monni et al., 2018;Moumen et al. 2019). The ASEAN socio cultural community has been aiming towards the creation and implementation of a more environmental friendly technology (Ferguson, 2004;Nguitragool, 2010). ...
The current study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the relationship between environmental sustainability and fiscal deficit, stock exchange index & interest rate. A panel data methodology has been used for the period ranging 1995-2018. The econometric tests of cross-sectional dependence, cointegration, unit root and long run estimations were employed in the study. The estimation of the long run associations has been performed on the basis of the AMG estimations. The AMG estimations showed that interest rate and fiscal deficit have negative relationship with environmental sustainability, whereas increase in the stock exchange index, capitalization of the indexed companies has positive and significant effects on the environmental sustainability. The Konya causality analysis shows that the variables present bidirectional associations. The present study is novel as it is based upon studying the fiscal macroeconomic indicators and their relevance to the environmental sustainability. The novelty and significance of the study is reinforced by the fact that a new dataset has been used. The current study is also important from the regional standpoint as developments are being made in the ASEAN region. The study has some limitations which have been discussed along with the theoretical and policy making implications.
... Sustainable development path embraces solving issues of energy security (El Iysaouy et al., 2019;Tvaronavičienė, & Ślusarczyk, 2019;Tyo et al., 2019;Razminienė & Tvaronavičienė, 2018;Dudin et al., 2019;Rezk et al., 2019;Tishkov et al., 2020;Strielkowski et al., 2020), water security (Monni et al., 2018;Moumen et al., 2019) and food security (Faridi, & Sulphey, 2019;Bareja-Wawryszuk, 2020). ...
- Lyailya Yesakhmetova
- Gulnar Dzholdasbaeva
- Meruert Sauranova
Food security of the word is in a big extent dependent on performance of the major grain producers, one of which is Kazakhstan. Grain production in Kazakhstan allows not only to meet domestic grain needs, but also to ensure a steady export. The country is a major global grain exporter and is one of the top ten countries in the world for wheat exports in recent years. It has been leading the export of flour in terms of high quality indicators. Creating an effective transport and logistics infrastructure in key export destinations, developing measures for transit countries, and increasing the level of state support for exports are among the tasks, implementation of which appears to be a precondition of sustainable food security. Jel Codes: Q2, Q3, Q4
... Food security together with energy security and water security are the main facets of sustainable development (Tireuov et al., 2018;Ivanova, Latyshov, 2018;Monni et al., 2018;Moumen et al., 2019;Mazzoni, 2020;Klimas, 2020;Panjaitan et al., 2020;Khan et al., 2020;Glotko et al., 2020;Zakharchenko et al., 2020). ...
- Kanat Tireuov
- Salima Mizanbekova
- Bakhyt Kalykova
The special role of grain in the composition of commercial products of the agro-industrial complex is determined by its strategic importance as a main food product and a very important, and for certain branches of animal husbandry, a crucial component of feed. On the other hand, Kazakhstan has become a major grain producer due to its natural and other features. In the conditions of economic transformation, the preservation of grain production and ensuring the rational use of its development potential is largely determined by the state of market functioning. In the formation and development of the grain market, inter-industry economic relations are of paramount importance. The new situation of Kazakhstan's participation in the world grain market, which requires scientific generalization, is connected with the formation of sovereign States and the transformation of trade between them from interregional to interstate.
... 2018;Monni, Iorio, & Realini, 2018;Moumen, El Idrissi, Tvaronavičienė, & Lahrach, 2019;Muniz et al., 2018).Hydroelectric power plants are facilities that have many other functions besides generating electricity(Sachdev, Akella, & Kumar, 2015;Singh & Singal, 2017). They affect the stabilization ofwater relations and protect against floods. ...
The study is dedicated to analysis of sustainable regional energy planning challenge's in order to reach carbon‐free economy in 2050. The case study of hydropower development in selected region of Poland provides good example how to deal practically with identified sustainable regional energy planning problems to address restrictions of environmental requirements and natural conditions on the least costs hydropower generation planning in a given region. The aim of the article is to develop a model for optimizing hydropower production and to apply this model for selected region. The West Pomeranian region was selected for this case study, and the time range for planning is from 2019 to 2030. The selected region is particularly predestined for the production of renewable energy sources. Constructed model and obtained results for optimization of hydropower development in selected region is useful for fostering usage of renewable energy sources in Poland and moving forward towards carbon‐free economy target set by European Union for 2050.
... Food security is integral to the national security of any country (Tireuov, Mizanbekova, Kalykova, & Nurmanbekova, 2018;Trubilin, Gaydukm, Kondrashova, Paremuzova, & Gorokhova, 2020;Melnikov, Mikhailushkin, Poltarykhin, & Dibrova, 2019;Faridi & Sulphey, 2019). Food security is closely related to issues of water security and energy security (Monni, Iorio & Realini, 2018;Cardoso, Swan & Mendes, 2018;Moumen, El Idrissi, Tvaronavičienė & Lahrach, 2019;Tyo, Jazykbayeva, Ten, Kogay & Spanova, 2019;Dudin, Frolova, Protopopova, Mamedov & Odintsov, 2019;Tvaronavičienė, Baublys, Raudeliūnienė & Jatautaitė, 2020) Improving food supply is a major socioeconomic problem for any CIS country. Ensuring food security is a primary focus of international cooperation, as it spans across a wide range of national, social, demographic and environmental factors. ...
... Conhecimento técnico e científico aliado com o conhecimento local possibilitam reflexões articuladas e profundas, por isso a cooperação é uma fator chave para superar alguns desafios (MONNI et al. 2018 ...
Os objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável produzido pela ONU destacaram a temática da sustentabilidade de forma global. visa-se melhorar a qualidade de vida do planeta, de forma geral, integrando pessoas e meio ambiente. uma das abordagens mais comuns na estruturação de programas de qualidade de vida é dada pela abordagem das capacidades de Amartya Sen, que inclusive está presente no IDH. dentro deste contexto de necessidade de integração entre desenvolvimento sustentável e qualidade de vida, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as relações que pessoas, participantes de uma ONG que procura incentivar ações sustentáveis, fazem a respeito desses temas. para tanto, usou-se questionários abertos e comparações com a literatura. nota-se que eles enxergam uma relação clara entre os dois quando perguntados diretamente, mas que não mostraram uma percepção clara sobre medidas de qualidade de vida, como o IDH. também percebeu-se a presença de um aumento da preocupação com a sustentabilidade do planeta em conjunto com maternidade / paternidade.
... The increasingly closely interrelated development of the economy with changes in the environment, the influence on many forms of international economic relations is now an important feature of the globalization of the economy. In recent years, one of the pressing issues among the international community is the issue of introducing a "green economy" in countries across all continents (Xie et al. 2016;Dechezlepretre, Misato 2017;Monni et al. 2018;Tvaronavičienė 2018;Tvaronavičienė et al. 2018;Androniceanu et al. 2018;Atari et al. 2019;Lavrinenko et al. 2019;Eddelani et al. 2019;Smaliukiene, Monni 2019;Faridi, Sulphey 2019). ...
... Here we need to point out, protection of that natural resources, such water (lakes, rivers), forests, infrastructure as food reservoirs, etc. are not being included into critical infrastructure perception, at least at the current moment, despite their significance for society cannot be underestimated (e.g. Tireuov et al. 2018;Arbidane, Mietule 2018;Cardoso et al. 2018;Muniz et al. 2018;Monni et al. 2018;Iorio et al. 2018). ...
Security of societies has become one of urgent issues in contemporary world. Too frequently we started encountering one or another form of malicious behavior, criminal activities or terrorism. New and complex threats highlight the need for further synergies and closer cooperation at all levels. Awareness, preparedness and resilience of societies emerge as key preconditions of further secure and sustainable economic development and general well-being. A special attention in those conditions has to be paid to development of theoretically grounded approach to protection of critical infrastructure (CIP), damage or disruption of which can be immensely harmful to unprepared and therefore vulnerable institutions and society. The aim of this paper is to lay theoretical foundations for theoretically grounded approach towards research in CIP area, in order to formulate, ultimately, an approach towards action, which, employing leadership societal stakeholders would allow to enhance awareness of society actors about the threats, i.e, to develop ability to recognize, prevent, and, in case of disaster, to resist to consequences of critical infrastructure infringement. Hence, enhanced resilience of society to critical infrastructure infringement is and ultimate goal of fostering of leadership for critical infrastructure protection.
... Accordingly, considering that the HDI criterion is wider, the challenges that impede development, assessed from this perspective, in the different countries, will be more. The factors that could hinder development, when development is considered from a HDI perspective, can be categorized as political, economic, environmental or natural, and social factors, which in turn have implications on the other areas of an economy, and subsequently, development (Kalyugina et al. 2015;Vasylchak and Halachenko 2016;Cardoso et al., 2018;Rocha, Neves 2018;Ivanova, Latyshov 2018;Muniz et al. 2018;Monni et al. 2018;Mikhaylov 2018). ...
Our paper focuses on the threats to the global development and sustainable economic development of a country that might include economic, political, human development, as well as sustainable development issues and problems. Sustainable economic development might serve as a tool for fostering the country's prosperity and helping it to overcome various threats that might stem from its geolocation, economic situation, natural resources, as well as many other internal and external factors that all play their decisive roles. The paper uses a case study of the United States as an example of the country vulnerable to a plethora of threats. It analyzes the most crucial threats one by one and classifies the most notorious and impending issues stemming from these threats that might hamper the economic growth and development. In particular, we focus on the issue of energy security and the renewable energy sources (RES) that represent an important aspect in this debate and research. Our results can be used by the policymakers as well as regional development managers for improving the security strategy.
... Energy security is one of the most important components of the national security. The main risks of energy security, along with water and food security, have social, economic and environmental nature (Šincāns et al. 2016;Dobrovolskienė et al. 2017;Tvaronavičienė et al. 2017;Rocha, Neves 2018;Cardoso et al. 2018;Ivanova, Latyshov 2018;Muniz et al. 2018;Monni et al. 2018;Ivanov et al. 2018;Plenkina et al. 2018;Tvaronavičienė 2018;Iorio et al. 2018;Shakhovskaya et al. 2018;. Nowadays, the concerns also might be caused by unpredictable political reconfigurations of leading solid fuel producers as Ukrainian example has shown. ...
- Alina Burliai
- Peter Bielik
- Oleksandr Burliai
The significant volume of bio-waste is coming from horticulture due to the treatment of perennial plantations. Horticulture wooden waste looks like a promising feedstock for the further utilization by bio-based energy sector. Moreover, using waste obtained in the result of-trees' trimming and perforation might provide high economic and environmental impact in the energy balance of the country. Unfortunately, currently, the potential of this wooden waste is not used fully. Partly, this caused with lack of accurate data about available resource especially in the developing countries such as Ukraine. In this study, assessment of energy, economic and geographical potential of horticulture wooden waste was proposed following up to case-study of biomass potential analysis. The research was based on the case study in one region but the obtained results were scaled on the country level. Additionally, it was found that the diversity of methods of waste biomass volume assessment in horticulture depended on the farm type, since highly developed industrial farms and small households carry out gardening on the different ways.
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